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This page will guide you through the installation of the Abilities module for Game Creator.

Creating a new project

To use abilities, first you need to install the latest version of Game Creator. You can find the detailed procedure by clicking on the documentation link.

Get the Abilities package from the Unity Asset Store following the link below:

Get Abilities

Once you have purchased it, click on the Import button on the website and the Unity Editor's Package Manager window should appear with the Ability package selected. Click on Download and Import afterwards.

Once this process is completed, you will have a new "Game Creator" menu at the top-toolbar. Open the menu and click on Install... The following window will open.

Image title  

Install window - Core

Select Abilities in the menu tree, and then click on Install x.y.z button. This will automatically install all the necessary packages.

Let the process complete and if everything went fine, your console shouldn't have any errors. If you do, please feel free to reach out to our support email.

Using Git ? Add the following lines to your .gitignore file

# Daimahou Games



After the successful installation of both Game Creator and Abilities, another menu will appear in the Installation window. This menu will provide you with additional content in the form of examples to get you familiar with the different concepts that make up Abilities.

For more information on how to install examples, please refer to the following link.

Once installed, the example will appear under Assets/Plugins/GameCreator/Installs/ or you can simply click the Select button to automatically select the example's folder.

Image title  

Install window - Examples


Although examples can be uninstalled by simply clicking the Uninstall button. To uninstall Abilities and the Core module of Daimahou, simply pressing the uninstall button will NOT be enough. AFTER pressing uninstall, please delete the following folder :


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